Home \ Antibodies \ SIRL-1, Human, mAb 1A5
Catalog # HM2309

SIRL-1, Human, mAb 1A5


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The monoclonal antibody 1A5 recognizes human Signal inhibitory Receptor on Leucocytes-1 (SIRL-1). In order to prevent host tissue damage immune activation has to be tighly regulated. Neutrophils and other myeloid cells have a pivotal role in controlling infection. They form the primary response at site of infection as they regulate replication of pathogens by phagocytosis, secretion of antimicrobial peptides and proinflammatory cytokines to activate the immune system. Without regulation these mediators can cause tissue damage or worse. To balance the immune response immune cells can express inhibitory receptors.
The family of immune inhibitory receptors is still expending. The relatively new receptor SIRL-1 is an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM)-bearing membrane protein expressed on human phagocytes. SIRL-1 contains two ITIMs in the intracellular tail, which are crucial for function. SIRL-1 can recruit the SH2-domain containing tyrosine phosphatases, SHP-1 and SHP-2, which may mediate the inhibitory effect. ITIM-bearing receptors inhibit signals relayed by immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activating motifs (ITAMs). ITAMs are the principal mediators of signal transduction for various receptors, including FcRs and C-type lectins.
The ligation of SIRL-1 dampens Fc receptor induced ROS production in phagocytes, thereby impairing the microbicidal activity of neutrophils without affecting phagocytosis. Infectious stimuli cause rapid downregulation of SIRL-1 expression. This allows microbial killing and clearance of pathogens.
Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Using anti SIRL-1 antibodies both spontaneous anti-neutrophil antibody induced NET formation is suppressed. This suggests a regulatory role for SIRL-1 in NET formation and a therapeutic target for regulation of SLE.

Flow cytometry, Functional studies, Immuno precipitation, Western blot

Application Notes
W: A non-reduced sample treatment and SDS-Page was used. The band sizes are 45 kDa and fainter band of 37 kDa in transfected cells and 37 kDa in granulocytes (Ref.1). FS: Antibody 1A5 showed inhibition of FcεRI-mediated degranulation by RBL-2H3 cells transfected with SIRL-1. The percentage of inhibition of degranulation by SIRL-1 was calculated by (OD405 TNP stimulation – OD405 TNP with SIRL-1 crosslinking)/(OD405 TNP stimulation – OD405 spontaneous release) x 100.

For immuno precipitation, flow cytometry and Western blotting, dilutions to be used depend on detection system applied. It is recommended that users test the reagent and determine their own optimal dilutions. The typical starting working dilution is 1:50.

Product type
Monoclonal antibodies
100 µg, 20 µg
0.2 ml (100 µg/ml) 0.2 µm filtered antibody solution in PBS, containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin.
Purified SIRL-1-hIg fusion protein in PBS
Mouse IgG1
V-set and transmembrane domain-containing protein 1, Signal inhibitory receptor on leukocytes-1
Storage and stability
Product should be stored at 4°C. Under recommended storage conditions, product is stable for at least one year. The exact expiry date is indicated on the label.
For research use only. Not for use in or on humans or animals or for diagnostics. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all local/state and federal rules in the use of this product. Hycult Biotech is not responsible for any patent infringements that might result from the use or derivation of this product.
Autoimmunity, Infectious diseases
Gene ID 284415 uniprot Q6UX27
CoA-TDS HM2300-HM2400
79 kb
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